Sunday 18 July 2010

Do you have your exit buddy?

Today was spent doing nothing at Ian's, it was nice. We watched Finding Nemo which was on telly. I know literally every word, it's quite impressive, my friend Becky and I quote it constantly :) I hate watching films of the telly though when there are adverts in them. They always cut them at the good bits or mid sentence, it's so frustrating!
Last night my lovely friend Pratheep, aka Poove, had a house party, there were some pretty awesome people there and many of laughs were had but by the end of the night I was so tired from the night before and way too sober to be at a party and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. So Ian and I went home and had a nice cup of tea and went to bed. We woke up at 2, it was a well needed sleep.
My bed is now beckoning me :)

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