Monday 30 August 2010

A fail day

I woke up feeling so shitty...

No idea why but my whole body just felt like...mush, a gloopy blob that just wanted to collapse. But I maned my way through it and started on sewing pieces of bread to a dress. This failed epicly! I did the majority of it and then tried it on and it just looked crap. It didn't drape right and looked really tacky. Luckily my brain came up with a different way of doing it and I think it will work better (it can't be any worse.) After a while of doing this I ran out of elastic so couldn't continue.
We then ran out of tea bags! :(
I would have gone to the shop to get some more but my hip/leg is being a bitch, it's like cramp but my pelvic bone hurts. So I have resorted to the safety of my bed.

So here are some unrelated pretty pictures :)

(Click on photos for source, except 3rd and last, I can't remember where they are from)

Sunday 29 August 2010

Beer pong and other drunken shenanigans

Friday I went to Ian's and we watched Fringe. We spent pretty much the whole day in bed watching endless episodes, I will be quite sad when this series has finished but wont be long until the next one is out. We ordered chinese in the evening which was very scrummy :)
Saturday I started on toasting my bread and working out how many different shades of toast I would need to cover my dress. In the evening I went to Lawson's where many drinking games were played, singing along to the Backstreet boys and Nsync and sliding down the stairs. We played beer pong which was so much fun, I think I was quite good at it, I got quite a few shots, but I also had to drink alot of gin which didn't end well. When I awoke at 6am on the sofa where I had passed out I felt quite sick and craved the comfort of my bed. I dragged Ian back to mine. It was kinda weird walking down the road so early, it was dead and the sun was just coming up. We must have looked such a state, I was a cross between still drunk and becoming hungover. We awoke again at about 3pm, it was quite an impressive lie-in but I was still tired, I still am :(
When Ian left I started on some more work. I have now done all of my toasting and preserving so I can hopefully get started on sewing tomorrow.

I have 22 days until I start uni. I'm so nervous, I'm really scared that what I do wont be good enough, I know that they wouldn't have accepted me if I wasn't but I still worry.
I really regret leaving my project so late to do, I have worked it out and it should all be done before I start. I'm getting really into it now and enjoying it and having so many ideas so hopefully I will be able to do all of it.

Thursday 26 August 2010


I have always wanted to go to Italy, it looks like such a beautiful and romantic place, especially Venice. These photos have made me decide that next year, over summer I'm going :)

You feel like home

I saw GONE again yesterday in London. Got the train with Murray and Lawson and met the others at the venue. The drinks were ridiculously over priced so I only had one. When all was finished we got the train home, stupidly I wore shorts and I was rather cold. When I tried to get back into the warmth and dryness of my house I found my dad had put the chain over the door! I couldn't get in and I didn't know what to do. If it was any other time I would have rung the door bell but we have family friends staying over and my parents specifically said not to make any noise :/
I rung Ian and luckily he said I could come back to his. After finally getting into the warm I snuggled up on the sofa in a duvet and watched Fringe, Ian made us cheese and meatball toasties! :)
I'm going to have a nice evening in tonight and watch (500) days of Summer and laze about in a blanket and big fluffy socks. My dad brought me tiramisu to apologise for locking me out so I shall scoff that too :)

I wish my hair was like this (Annie Bundfuss)

The weather has been so shit the past few days, looks like Autumn is on the way. HA HA to people at Reading festival :P

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Home sweet home

Apologies for not blogging for a few days but my days have been pretty busy watching marvelous bands.
Friday I set off on my journey to Essex where V festival was being held. I met up with the gang and we got on the train to Victoria station where we then caught a coach to the festival. It was such a long journey and I was so tired and my bag was really heavy that by the time we got there I just wanted to collapse.
After setting up camp we all had a bit of a drink and went on some theme rides (which were so overpriced) and then to the indie disco which was really good.
Over the weekend we saw such bands as Pretty reckless, Passion pit, Florence and the machine, Feeder, Ellie Goulding, Prodigy, Madness, Kooks and Kings of Leon, just to name a few.
They were all really good, the only bad thing was the crowds, being crushed, having cups of god knows what thrown at you and just selfish people that feel the need to barge into you.
The weather was pretty good apart from Sunday night when it chucked it down. I shared a tent with Hannah and luckily ours didn't leak but all of the others did so we ended up destroying them on Monday before we left.

There was so many laughs and jokes and memories from the weekend and I had great fun. I'm not sure what I expected from a festival but it was nothing like what I thought it would be, I did love it but I would much rather see them in a more intimate venue and go home to a nice warm bed at night.
When I returned home on Monday I jumped straight into a lovely warm bubble bath.

Ian then came over and we watched some of the highlights from the festival and had a nice catch up.
Yesterday we had a lovely long lye-in. After Ian left my parents returned home from a trip away so we swapped stories about our weekends.
Ian was doing a gig yesterday evening with his band GONE, I wasn't going to go as I'm going to a few of his others soon but I went online and a very old friend, Tiffany, asked what I was doing in the evening. Randomly it turned out the pub GONE were playing is just around the corner from where Tiff lives in Maidenhead and she was going to see them play, so I then decided to pop along too. It was a fantastic night, was so good to catch up with her, literally haven't seen her in about 5 years and we just picked up where we left off, we are still so similar, hopefully wont be too long until we meet up again :)

Thursday 19 August 2010

Results day

I got my results today and I was so disappointed. No one in my group of friends did amazingly well which is such a shame as we tried so hard. But I have already got an unconditional offer for Bucks uni so I can't be too upset.
B- Art (Really, REALLY wanted an A)
C- English
E- Geography (Not my strongest subject but would have hoped for a bit better) :(

But overall I can't complain too much. After receiving my grades I went home to my mom where I cried and drank some tea. After hearing me blubber down the phone Ian decided to come over and comfort me :)
I gave him the drawing, which he loved, I would post a photo but I doubt anyone would get it as it's kind of a private (cheesy) joke :P
We then headed back to his for a bit where we watched Fringe and failed at making a home cooked lunch. Instead we had a pannini.
He then gave me my surprise present, which Tom ruined by telling me what it was, but it was still awesome!

I then popped to Uxbridge quick to pick up some food with Hannah for V festival. I then went back to Ian's and watched more Fringe. I then went to the Met to celebrate/ commiserate the results with everyone.
I am now home and have done some last minuet packing as I am off to V tomorrow! It has come round so quickly and I'm so excited!! My first festival. I'm sure I will bombard you with photoswhen I return, but until then farewell! :)

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Pub quiz

So yesterday I started on my summer project, by started I mean I drew up a design and tried out ways of preserving bread.

It's not a very good drawing but there you go, it has also changed a bit too now, I'm going to toast some bread, so there are different shades going up the skirt bit, that was Ian's input :)
I then went to the met where I met up with Ian and some of his friends. Hannah, Jess and Jade joined us later. We then proceeded to play the pub quiz. It went better then expected, we didn't come last!
After that I went back to Ian's where we watched the new episode of True blood and some more Fringe. Fringe is as awesome as ever but True blood is getting a bit lame. It's really gay and it's really going off the vampire scene, I like the warewolves but I think Suki is a an angel and that's just weird, but I will never stop watching it :)
Today I had a nice lay in and then did some sewing for Sue. I feel kinda mean taking money of her to do little jobs, but I need all the money I can get.
I then did a drawing for Ian. It's so awesome, I'm really pleased with it and I can't wait to show him, I hope he likes it :)
I also had a rummage about in the loft and came across some old things of my nans I forgot we had inherited. This was always my favourite piece on her dresser, and now it's on mine, it's a bit damaged but still pretty :)

I get my results tomorrow, not actually that nervous, I guess because I already have my place, but I'm very eager to find out what I got, fingers crossed!

Monday 16 August 2010

Ice-cream and telly

Yesterday I started to paint my T.V stand and shelves so that they fit in with my new room. I love give old furniture a new lease of life :)
Ian came to mine and we watched Brick and ate some yummy Ben & Jerry's. I then made some dinner. We were going to stay at mine over night but when I realised we couldn't watch telly in my room as my T.V stand was still wet, we went to Ian's. It was a good call as his mom shared some Thornton's chocolates with us. We also watched Paper Man which was amazing! It was a really cute little film but with really funny bits, like Ryan Reynolds in a superhero suit.

After an evening of watching lots of telly we finally went to sleep.
In the morning Ian made me a wonderful fry-up. He really is good to me :)
We watched a bit more Fringe and ate more ice-cream. Then we went and sat in the green near his. We had a really good chat about some stuff and I feel a lot happier now. Think I'm just getting stressed as results are drawing closer, I'm so nervous, but at least I have V festival this week to either celebrate of drown my sorrows.
This evening I have put some of my bits up on my shelves and got my rucksack and sleeping bag out of the loft ready for V.

(1. By Kiel 2. Layka)
These make me feel so summery and carefree, shame we haven't had such a sunny summer :(

Saturday 14 August 2010

Photos with Kiel

I went out with Kiel today and we took many photos, as you can see. It was really good, apart from the rain but luckily I brought an umbrella so we were ok, still got a bit damp though. We slowly made our way in the general direction of Yiewsly. I popped to Morrisons and got some ice-cream (as it was going cheap) and then went home. I had a quick photoshopping session and then had dinner.
I met up with Jess Hannah at the Met, which was only meant to be a quick chat but turned into a fairly good evening with many people and a few more drinks than expected :)

Live long and prosper

Yesterday I went to Ian's and we watched Fringe. It is such a good series and even better it has Leonard Nimoy in it!! For those of you who don't know who that is, it is the dude that played Spock in the original Star Trek series.

We then ordered pizza which we scoffed down with his parents, I felt rather sick after.
It was a good day but some bad things over ruled it's awesomeness :/
The birthday present hadn't gone completly to plan, I'm sure it's fine but I just wanted it to be perfect. I found something out that broke my heart. Things are ok now I guess but I can't help keep thinking about it, I was up most of the night crying. But I guess I just need to grow up and get over it, however hard it may be :(