Thursday 30 September 2010

To the pub

This morning I awoke at Ian's where he told me he was popping into town to do bank stuff but that I could lay in. When he awoke me a second time with a lovely cup of tea we went downstairs and watched an awesome film called Frequently asked questions about time travel. I then returned home where I did some stuff around the house for my mom and finished off my bread project book.

After dinner Dain offered me a few drinks down the pub. Not wanting to waste my day off, I accepted his offer and headed down. It was a pretty good evening drinking Strongbow and eating sandwiches. I'm now home in the warmth of my bed with a nice hot water bottle, I think my cat is dreaming because he is making really funny noises as he sleeps :)

She takes the cutest photographs of her kittens, I love them!!!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

A lovely day off

Monday and Tuesday were spent at uni. I didn't really do much when I returned on Monday evening, other than watch the Inbetweeners. Yesterday at uni wasn't a great day. My bus in the morning just decided not to turn up so therefore was late. We then did really boring work and I didn't feel up to doing anything, I just wanted to go home, but instead they decided to keep us until 5 in a stupid lecture that told me nothing I didn't already know :/
As we got out late I missed the bus I usually would have got home, so I had to wait 40 minuets for the next one to come, by which time rush hour traffic was in full swing, but luckily I got time to finish the book Ian lent me which was awesome!
I finally got home at about 7 and devoured some pasta as I was starving. My mom then gave me a lift to Ian's where him and a few others were playing Halo and going over the Brannigan's laws new recordings which sounded pretty dam awesome :)
The evening was then spent playing beer pong, drinking gin, eating chinese and watching the guys play xbox.
Today I had off uni so I spent my time with Ian, trying to spend as much time with him before he goes back to Reading for uni. We went to the garden centre for a bit so he could buy locusts for his chameleon, Mr Mojo, and we looked at all the awesome fish. We then went to mine quickly to pick up some clothes for me and steal a pizza from my fridge to eat when we got back to his.
Once back at his we watched Galaxy quest which is one of my favourite films, ate lamb kebabs and Ben & Jerry's ice cream and watched some Spaced.
He is now playing Dead Rising 2 while I slug out on the sofa with a cup of tea, we have a new episode of Castle to watch, tonight is a good night :)

Sunday 26 September 2010

Douvet days

Yesterday afternoon I went to Ian's, we lazed about in bed and watched some telly. When we decided that our belly's couldn't handle the emptiness anymore we headed to Pangs for a wonderful Chinese buffet. I had never been out with just a boyfriend for dinner before but it was so lovely, can't say the sight of us both scoffing down noodles and chicken balls was the most romantic thing ever but it was so lovely of him to treat me :)
We then headed back to his where we watched Treasure planet and eventually dozed off to sleep.
Today we lied in bed until about half 4 watching Lilo and Stitch, Sword in the stone and Scary movie. After having some pizza we decided to vacate from the bed to the sofa. We watched Hercules and ate sausage and mash which Ian had cooked. We have gone through quite a few Disney movies the past days :)
I feel so tired at the thought of going back to uni tomorrow after 2 days of lying in bed or on the sofa :P

(Sensing Owls)

I do like my blonde hair but I love red hair so much. When my hair gets longer I shall contemplate dying it red again :)

Saturday 25 September 2010


I have had a pretty awesome past 2 days. Thursday was my day off and I enjoyed very much lazing on the sofa watching day time T.V and drinking tea. After doing some work I met up with Dain at the Load where we played pictionary, drank a lot and talked to the Si-fi club about Nathan Fillion. Later on in the evening the Law joined us, unfortunately I had to depart as I had to be up early for uni in the morning but Ian kindly walked me home.
Uni on Friday was awesome. At the beginning of the week we were all split up into little groups and never really introduced to anyone on our course, which was annoying. But Friday afternoon we all sat in the art studio, in two long lines, facing the person opposite you. We were then asked to draw the person in many different ways, e.g. as a rock star, as a fish or as if they had been electrocuted. In addition we sometimes had to draw with our wrong hand or with a really thick pen, the outcomes were hilarious. We moved along the lines meeting new people on the way.

After getting home and having some dinner I got ready and my mom dropped me back in High Wycombe. I met Catriona and Hannah Rees at the reception and then we headed to the student union. At first the place was dead and we were thinking about finding somewhere else to go, but as the night went on and more cheap alcohol was consumed the night turned out to awesome! Hannah departed early so Catriona and I met some people that were on our course. It was an awesome night that included cheap champagne, sambuca shots, awesome people and drunken chats with my mom on the lift home :)

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Scary old ladies

Today was yet another day that began very early and consisted of university. It went pretty quick which was good and I had quite a bit of fun, although my drawings were poo. Just didn't feel like drawing a rock :/
After a long hour spent in traffic I eventually got home to a wonderful stir fry and a glass of wine.
Later on Hannah came over bringing jaffa cakes with her, I knew I was friends with her for some reason :P
After a chat about uni and her life of being a bum we headed to the cinema and watched Devil. I am terrible with scary films, I love them but hate them. I like the thrill but I hate when I'm lying in bed in the dark on my own, like now....
But I got through it and we made jokes about the scary old woman and Mexican looking people.
I have a day off tomorrow which means a lye in! But I have been given some work to do so I can't be lazy all day :(

(Totally unrelated but I like owls)

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Uni and curry

I made it!! I was so nervous on Monday for my first day of uni but I got there ok :)
My dad gave me a lift into Uxbridge so I could catch the bus which came really early so I was waiting around in High Wycombe like a loner for ages. Turns out I didn't have to get there until 1 but I arrived at 11 so I had a lot of waiting around. Luckily I met a really cool girl and we had lunch together.
After what seemed like forever enrolling I go on the bus home. Ian met me at the bus stop which was so lovely of him and he walked me home while I bored him about the details of my day.
My parents then took me out for a wonderful curry. I hadn't had curry in ages and all day I was craving it, so when they asked where I wanted to go I was like "CUURRRYYYY" :)
When we got back I was so stuffed and tired I just went to bed, at about 9!

Today was yet another day spent at uni. I met a few more people and we did some drawing outside. After getting home at 6 and finding no one was home I had a well needed cup of tea.
I have just watched the Inbetweeners and am just about to start reading a book Ian has lent me called Snuff. As I have such a long bus journey everyday I'm going to try and do some more reading, I really don't read as much as I should.

Sunday 19 September 2010

A day of Disney

Yesterday afternoon after doing some work I made my way to Ian's with a stack of Disney DVDs. We have decided that we will slowly make our way through them all. The only problem being is that the majority of them I have are on video, but it was still a good selection. We watched 'Atlantis: The lost empire' first and scoffed our way through some jaffa cakes.
Ian then made me a wonderful pasta bake, yummmy :)
Then something heartbreaking happened, I wont go into it but Ian and I kind of sorted it out and then watched 'Mulan'. I'm still so upset about what happened and it couldn't of happened at a worse time, but I think things will be ok. I hope things will be ok.

After a long talk and him playing Halo we went to bed. I screamed in my sleep. I have never done this before and it frightened the life out of both of us.
Today, when I got home I helped my mom cut the grass and then did some work.

I can't believe I'm actually starting uni tomorrow. This summer has gone so fast and I still don't feel ready. I'm kind of excited but the nerves are still in lead of my emotions :/

Saturday 18 September 2010


Wednesday was spent in the company of Ian. He came to mine and brought the final episode of True Blood, I don't know what I would do without him :)

We spent the evening looking at old photos of me, hunting down old friends (the wonders of Facebook) eating fajitas and watching Tarzan, it was an evening well spent. We went to bed pretty early as I had to be up at 6 in the morning, but unfortunately neither of our brains felt like switching off and we were awake for hours. I get very stressy when I can't sleep so I was getting very frustrated but eventually I dozed off.
Thursday started at 6am, too early for my liking but I shall have to get used to it. Ian walked me to the bus stop and then departed home for some well needed sleep. I met Jess and Hannah in Uxbridge and we caught the 740 to High Wycombe. This was to check out the journey and prices and timings, all fell into place nicely :)
We had a Starbucks, a look round the shops and an interesting time in Ann Summers. I found these in an American style sweet shop, they were amazing!

We returned back to Uxbridge and I slept, I was so tired.

In the evening I met up with the Law for another awesome band practise. I again took some photos, I used my fish eye lens and they turned out pretty good :)

As usual we then went to the Load where I met up with Nick and Danny. Many drinking games were created and played and the band got pretty drunk.
The walk home was hilarious with Ian and Murray singing 3OH!3 and Murray collapsing in the road after kicking a bone.
I passed out as soon as we reached Ian's and slept right through, it was some well needed sleep.
Yesterday when I got home I did some work, completing 3 out 6 drawings I was given to do of my bread dress.
I then got ready for the night ahead, I wore my new dress that I got from Ebay, I shall post photos at some point, met up with the gang to say farewell for the very last time before departure to uni occurs.
It was an amazing night, we went to the Met, Yarn and Treaty, I do the love the Treaty, however grotty it is I feel I can talk easly to the people there and I always bump into old friends :)
We lost Nick, he has a habit of wondering off when he is drunk without telling anyone, he always ends up at the packet boat marina shower block and last night was no change. After a long walk home and a dodgy chicken burger I finally got into the comfort of my nice warm bed.
Today so far I have watched scrubs and ate a cookie, I'm having a very productive day :)

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Bread dress photos

Yesterday I went into school to pick up my art folder and steal some A1 paper. I really do not miss the stale smell of baked beans that hits you as soon as you walk in through the gates.
It was good to see some teachers though and tell them about my summer project and what I have been up to.
I then spent the afternoon watching Jeremy Kyle as I was feeling pretty sorry for myself and felt that the pathetic people on that show would make me feel better about myself, it did kind of.
Jess and Hannah came over today and we did the photos of my bread dress. Jess was meant to be my model but unfortunately her bum was too small and the dress just fell off her so I had to wear it instead and Hannah did the photos. It went ok until I nearly fainted. I have been feeling crappy all day and I think a tight dress and lack of food just got too much. Luckily we got all the photos done. We then watched scrubs, ate some pizza, drank tea and did some photoshopping.

Please excuse my boob nearly falling out, I really look rough. I feel really rough. I'm getting myself so worked up about Monday. I hate change and this is the biggest change I have ever had to endure. I'm so nervous about having to get the bus and find my way around and talk to people I don't know, I'm terrible at meeting new people. I know that after a week there I will look back at this and laugh but at the moment all I can do is worry.
I'm getting so annoyed at everyone, I'm still not talking to my dad which is upsetting, my mom doesn't understand why I'm nervous, 'friends' are being selfish and saying things that are irrelevant and therefore make peoples lives hard and I'm hardly going to see Ian before I start.
In a way I can't wait to meet new people because I'm sure there wont be as much conflict and bitching as there is in my group of friends at the moment, it's just gonna be that first 'hello' that's the problem.

Sunday 12 September 2010

The first farewell

Friday I did cleaning for Sue, it's so good having a bit of extra money every fortnight and I get to see Ian for 3 hours so it's great, hopefully I will still be able to squeeze it in when I start uni, which is a week tomorrow!!!
In the evening a big bunch of us went to the Met to wish Tatenda adieu. When he finally arrived the evening was getting good, as usual the more alcohol we consumed the more fun we had. It turned out to be an amazing night consisting of piggy backs, discovering outty belly buttons, naughty chats and some how ending up at the Load.

The Saturday was mine and Ian's 9 months together and we had planned to have a wonderful meal out at Pangs, but me being the fool I am was far too hungover and I didn't think I could make full use of a buffet :(
Instead we stayed in and watched All the boys love Mandy Lane, Stranger than fiction and had steak.
He sadly had to depart fairly early this morning so I got on with some work, I have now finished all of my artist research which is excellent, so all I have left to do is take photos of my dress and do some drawings of it, I really have left everything until last minuet :(

(Click on photo for source)

Friday 10 September 2010

Band and Books

Wednesday I accompanied Lawson, Alun and Ian to the cinema to see Scot Pilgrim vs. the world. It was pretty good actually, there were some bits, like the fight scenes that were dragged out and over the the top but I guess that was the point. Ian and I then returned to his where we watched A knights tale. I do love that film.
Yesterday Ian accompanied me to the library as I had to do some research on a list of people my uni had given me. I got loads of stuff done and Ian drew a pretty awesome comic strip titled 'The Burning sheep.'

We then had to go and pick up his guitar and headed to a Brannigan's Law band practise, we stopped off at KFC on the way. It was the first time I have seen them play with Alun on bass and they were brilliant. They have done a cover of Bye, bye, bye, yes that one by N*sync :P
But they have put their own style on it and it sounded amazing.
I took photos for them, which I was a bit apprehensive about at first as I'm not great at taking photos of people, especially in a darkened room while everyone is moving so fast but they turned out ok, they seem happy with them so I'm very happy.

We then went to Load for a quick drink before I departed home to drink tea :)
Ooh I am now living back at my own home, haven't spoken to my dad yet and I don't really plan to either.
I found a recipe for these and I have to make them as they are so cute! :)

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Things didn't work out too badly

Well Sunday night kinda fucked up, majorly. I didn't get to watch my sad film or eat pie, instead I kicked out of my house :/
It was over something so pathetic, yet again springing from my dad yelling at me for not having a proper job. So after some harsh words and many tears and him literally shoving me out the door after giving me 2 minuets to pack my bag I was out. Luckily I had the wonderful Ian to take me in. I don't know what I would have done without him. He actually ran to come get me :)
We then went back to his where he made me an omelet and a nice cup of tea. We counted down to his birthday and then watched some episodes of Castle.
I also gave him his birthday present which was a Captain Hammer t-shirt which he was very happy with :)
Monday we awoke rather late which ruined our plans of going out for lunch but instead we went back to mine as parent folk were out and ordered the new Domino's sub, which was amazing. Nick and Danny also popped over as Nick was selling Ian his xbox for an amazingly cheap price :)
After we headed back to Ian's but I departed early as I was meeting people for Hannah's 19th. We went to Watford, it was a really good night. Was so nice seeing everyone again. We all got very drunk and I stumbled home in Louis' socks!!

I love Jess, she makes me laugh so much and she is wearing one of the bracelets I made :)
Today I got up feeling pretty rough, but braved on to the Met where some of us had a pub lunch to give Han her presents. I could only stomach curly fries though as I was a bit hungover. Ater a wee look round the shops I departed home where I watched Jeremy Kyle and did less work than I should have done.

I'm in love with this Flickr, especially the 'Couples' collection, they are so beautiful and kinda sexy :P

Sunday 5 September 2010

Feeling lethargic

I have been slumped on the sofa in my trackies with my hair in a top knot and smeared make-up on my face all day. It's not a pretty sight. I have done quite a bit of work though, done loads of research on artists for part two of my summer project.

I have been feeling down recently, I have no real reason to be but I over think things way too much, I'm worried about starting uni and I miss my friends. Other than seeing Jess the other day I haven't seen them since V. I have been so busy doing my bread project and seeing Ian.
It's Ian's birthday tomorrow and I really wish I could spend the whole day with him but Hannah is having her birthday gathering and as I haven't seen them in ages I have decided to go out with them. I'm really looking forward to it but if I'm still feeling as shit as I do now I wont be very lively.

I'm going to go and eat some apple and blackberry pie my mom made and slug out in front of a movie, probably one that will make me cry, I think I need to let out some tears :/

Saturday 4 September 2010

The birthday celebrations begin

I did quite a bit of work in the morning, I was planning on doing it all day but Ian offered me a free lift to Reading at half 2 so I couldn't refuse. I quickly got ready and off we went. It was the first time I had seen Ian's new house in Reading and it was really big and nice, perfect for a party. Lawson, Ian and I went and got a Subway and collected booze for the evening. We sampled some skittle vodka which was amazing and played the Smash Brothers drinking game, which I failed at so just played Doodle jump instead. People then started to arrive and we played ring of fire, where I was picked on by Dan Rea.
The night was good but I didn't have as much fun as I wish I had. I didn't get drunk at all and I let things get to me and ended up getting very upset :/

But things got sorted and we had a kebab and watched Role models, which always makes things better. I had a few amazing chats people Dan, Alun and Lauren, especially Lauren. We are quite similar and it was nice to talk about Ian to her as she too understands what it is like dating a Harries :P
She also made me a bacon sandwich in the morning which was amazing! After cleaning up we watched Anchorman, which I some how haven't seen before.
Once everything was relatively tidy we descended homeward. Ian came back to mine. We watched Sherlock and had chicken kiev.
I'm in such a rut about his presents, I have one but it's his 21st and I can't just get him that. I have an idea but it still isn't a lot and it wont arrive by Monday but he knows how unorganised I am so he will understand :)

Thursday 2 September 2010

Lost in the blinding whiteness of the tundra

On Tuesday I woke up really early so that I could make some bread. This bit is for the breast plate of my dress.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out, but unfortunately it's too big to fit into my micro-wave so I can't dry it out but hopefully it wont go mouldy after I have glued it to make it go hard.
I then went to the dentist where I was informed that I have lovely teeth, however about an hour ago I chipped a bit off my tooth, you can't notice it but it's really annoying
I then went to Ian's in the evening and we watched True blood and Fringe.
Wednesday we watched the last of season 2 of Fringe, it was so good! When that was completed we headed into London with his parents for a meal out for Ian's birthday. We went to the Ice bar which was incredible!

The meal afterwards was amazing, the food was the nicest I have had in a long time.
Today I saw Nick and Danny, it was lovely to catch up with them both. They have informed me that in a few weeks they are going backpacking around Europe for a year, which I am rather jealous and sad about. As I would love to do that and I shall miss them both.
We had some dinner and watched Accepted and reminisced on old times.
Jess then came over later on in the night as she needed a nice cup of tea and a chat. I hope it helped. Was lovely to see her again as I haven't seen her since V and I do miss my dear little dwarf :)