Tuesday 1 June 2010

Indoor Picnic

Jessica, Hannah, Becky, Danielle and I all decided that we would travel up to Hyde Park and have a picnic, however the sky wanted to rain today, but luckily I was there to save the day and asked if everyone would like to come back to mine and have a pig out and watch a movie. So we went to Tescos and got popcorn, twiglets, doritos and ice-cream. At mine we watched The Notebook, possibly the saddest film I have seen in a long time, although I guessed the pretty predictable ending, when the time came I still couldn't hold back the tears, which gave everyone much enjoyment to watch me blubber away. After everyone left I had a nice curry with the mother and watched some telly.

Due to the very wet weather I have been looking at underwater photography, these ones in particular caught my eye.

Click on photos for sources

Very little revision has been done today, but tomorrow I'm going into school for a day of English revision, Yay!

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