Sunday 30 May 2010

Anything but revision

Yesturday I attempted doing some revision, all was going well for about an hour until my parents decided to invite me out for a pub lunch and a walk around Langley park, an offer I couldn't refuse.
We went to The Black Horse in Fulmer for lunch, I had pea risotto with haloumi cheese, it was gorgeous. We then had a wonder around the park. It was really sunny and all of the flowers were in bloom.

I love the last one, it's so pretty and summery :)
We then returned home where I was set on doing some more revision until Dain texted me asking if I would like to go to a BBQ, obviously I couldn't refuse that offer either. Dain then came and got me and we proceeded onto Abby's house. Her house is amazing, I wish I could have moved in, I mean her toilet had French to English dictionary wallpaper on it!
Furnishings aside, I got very drunk, was sat in a little outhouse with some people and managed to drink a whole bottle of Malibu and half a bottle of wine. There was also a bouncy castle slide which we all had a rather good time on, however I did wake up today with a few bumps and bruises. I'm not quite sure how I managed to get home, but I did. It was such a brilliant night but I feel I should really give my liver a rest for a few days and get on with some revision.

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