Thursday 20 May 2010

A blooming long day

I woke up at the horrible hour of 6am today, it wasn't nice. Until 8.30, when I had to leave for school, I spent the morning doing yet more art work, feel like it's taking over my life at the moment, but as of tomorrow, I don't have to do it again, until September, when I start my foundation art course at Bucks :)
I then proceeded onto school until about 1.30 where I made my way to the Load of Hay pub, there I met Dain, Kendall and Abby and I ate curly fries. At 2 I started my shift, which didn't go great, I kept fucking up, haven't been working there long but it didn't go great today, but I just laughed it off so it was ok. But then my parents came down, which was a huge embarrassment but wasn't too painful :P
Faye also came down to the load, don't see her often as she lives quite far away but was nice to catch up. After my shift, at 6, Faye and I headed back to mine where we ate chicken and strawberries (not together) and watched Little Nicky. That was pretty much my day.
Yesturday, literaly nothing happened. I brought an ice-cream and sat on the field with some friends at lunch at school, that was the highlight of my day.

Tomorrow I am VERY excited about. Ians coming back from Reading for a while, been a while since I've seen him and I've missed him like crazy! That and he is bringing new episodes of Castle with him :)
Really can't wait!

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