Monday 17 May 2010

A massive rush

Well today has kinda sucked, it has been a lovely day and I have been stuck inside doing art coursework. My teacher, whom I usually get one really well with, was in a shit awful mood and decided that the deadline for all my work was today, instead of Friday as she has previously stated. So I sneaked my art book out for the night to catch up on all my work. Along with with this I have an english essay to do, this load of work is not good when I have a serious lack of motivation.

Aside from that, last night was awesome, I introduced Mark to the wonder that is The Fith Element, how he survived without viewing it for 19years I shall never know. And we ate cake, lots of cake, too much cake possibly. But it was lovely to catch up with Mark, as always. Arn't we attractive :)

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