Sunday 23 May 2010

Wine, lots of wine

Today has possibly been the lamest day ever! I have a citizenship exam tomorrow and I just have no motivation to revise, not that I have any revision for that anyway.
The day started off wonderfully, woke up next to Ian, I was a little hungover and tired but felt better after some toast and Dr Who :) The day started to deteriorate after I left Ians, was meant to meet up with Hannah for a nice catch up but the hot sun has turned her into a lobster which prevented her from leaving her house. I then just lazed in my garden with a glass of wine and tried looking over my geography books but my cat was being so cute and distracting me.

I then caught up with some Big Bang Theory on 4od. I got so bored with doing nothing I gave Mark a ring and asked if he wanted to come and doss at mine, all seemed well until he texted me saying he got caught up at work and couldn't make it :(

Yesturday however was more enjoyable. Had my first bbq of 2010. Went to Ians for it, we had bugers and kebabs and lots of yummy things. Then the Harries family, Lauren and I all went to a retirment party at the Waters Edge. I didn't know anyone so I did the silly thing of sitting at the end of the table and just drinking wine. I opened up a bit nearer the end of the night and spoke to some people but I was so drunk, haven't been that drunk in a while, it wasn't nice.
Well exam tomorrow so I'm going to try and have an early night :)

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