Thursday 27 May 2010

Feeling Starry eyed

Yesterday was fantastic, made me very happy :)
We had our leavers assembly at school, it was all very emotional, can't believe we are actually leaving. I still remember my first day at school, weird to see how everyone has grown up and changed. After school I went to Ian's and viewed the Castle season finale, it was predictable but not how I wanted it to end, almost brought a tear to my eye. We then headed to the cinema and watched Nightmare on Elm street. It was a lot more rapey than the original but Jackie Earle Haley played Freddie brilliantly. I don't really watch horror films, so when we got back to Ian's he decided we would watch Eden lake. It was so screwed up, made me cringe the whole way through. It had that guy from Skins in it. He is some psycho guy, makes me really scared when your walking about and you see a bunch of yobs, especially in Uxbridge, they're everywhere. On a lighter note we ordered pizza which took my attention away from the disturbing film.

Today I went into school and then decided to come home.
I hadn't done my English work and it was our last lesson so I didn't want to write an essay. All of my Art lessons have been cancelled as we have finished our project and Geography was last period and all we was going to do was eat cake and talk as it was our last lesson. So I felt it was rather pointless and came home and ate cereal.

I can't stop listening to Ellie Goulding. I started listening to her about a year and a half ago when she only had one song on Youtube. I've developed a 'slight' love for her. This blog is even named after some of her lyrics. Went and saw her live in March, she was supporting Passion Pit. My friends and I were literally the only ones singing along and dancing to her set :)
I saw this photo today and it reminded me of her song 'Starry eyed', it's so beautiful!!

Click on photo for source

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