Saturday 5 June 2010

My beautiful friends

On Thursday I went to Bucks university with my mom to see an exhibition of the previous years art work that they had done during their course. I was so excited and overwhelmed by the talent the students had there, made me feel like I really wasn't worthy to be there. I then had to go and listen to the head of the course give us our summer project and talk about the course. There was so many people there and I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know a few people before September. I have never been great at meeting new people but I tried to be polite and say hello or smile, but literally everyone there knew someone else, I was the only person that didn't know anyone :/ I sat right at the back in the corner and felt so out of place and alone, eventually I moved up a bit and said hello to this girl near me, she was in a big group of people and I thought maybe she could introduce me or something, but nothing. It was literally "oh hi" and then she turned her back to me. I felt like crying and now I'm really in a bad mindset for going in September. But we got our summer project, which is 'bread'. I'm looking forward to doing it, not sure what to do yet but I've got a few ideas. I just want to do something incredible and unusual which will make me stand out.

Anyways, my parents have gone away for the weekend, so yesterday Jess and Hannah came over in the evening and I made fajitas and we watched Hocus Pocus. Adam and Amy texted me saying they were in the area and if they could pop over for a bit as we haven't seen each other in ages. So when they got here we all started drinking. We then went down to the pub for a bit and met up with Sam and Dain. It was very boring so I suggested everyone come back to mine via Tescos and drink. The ring of fire was then played, a lot of wine was consumed and drunken heart to heart chats in the bath were had.

It was such a fantastic night. I really do have some of the greatest friends ever, I know they will always be there for me if I need them, it's going to be so hard to say goodbye properly in September but I'm sure we will try our best to see each other as much as we can.

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