Sunday 20 June 2010

Can't wait until my exams are over

Wednesday evening the teachers and students of the English department went for a meal at Pizza Express to say goodbye and celebrate the exam was over. It was a wonderful evening and I had some rather yummy food.
Thursday was pretty good. I watched a bit of Black Books instead of doing revision and then went to the pub where I won £42 on the races and drank champagne.
Friday I woke up rather late, Ian came over and I tried to do some revision while he was there, it failed, so instead we watched Along came a spider and ate Doritos.
Saturday I did do some revision in the morning but then decided that making an epic cheesy salad was more important. It was nice. Ian came over in the afternoon and we watched some strange films. My neighbor Toroto, by the same guy that did Ponyo, it was equally strange and had a giant cat bus in it which was awesome. We then watched Old boys, which was amazing, rather twisted, but very good. We also watched Dr Who, was really good but I'm wondering how they are gonna finish the series and set it up for the Christmas episode because the Dr seems to of got himself stuck in a bit of a pickle.
Today started by lying in bed with Ian watching Ekusut (hair extensions). Which is about killer hair extensions, it was actually quite good, rather freaky but funny at the same time.
Ian then sadly had to depart. I should really do some revision. I hate geography, I really don't know why I chose it. It's the last of all the exams as well, all of my friends have already finished and are free to do whatever. Can't wait until the 29th.

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