Tuesday 8 June 2010

A bit of catching up

Well sunday afternoon/evening was spent in the company of Danny. I haven't seen him in ages! Like I think the last time I saw him was my birthday. So it was very good to catch up. We watched How to loose friends and alienate people, I do like that film. We then looked around on Youtube for things to entertain us and make us laugh at others misfortune. Danny then introduced me the Impossible Quiz which I quickly got addicted to, which was annoying. Danny then departed for the evening and I continued to play the quiz.
Monday I awoke at a time to early to describe and proceeded on going to school for yet another pointless Citizenship exam. Unfortunately in my zombie like state at home whilst getting ready I forgot a sheet which had to be sent off with the exam, luckily I didn't need to refer to it in the exam so I think I pulled it off. Jess, Hannah and I then proceeded to Uxbridge where we looked around for a good few hours trying to find a special someones birthday present. Eventually we found some stuff that we thought would suit her perfectly. I also brought Ian a Chewbacca Pez dispenser, the girls laughed and thought I was rather sad, but I knew he would appreciate it (which he did) :)

We then left Uxbridge and all went our separate ways on the account that our stomachs needed masses amounts of food. When I got home I consumed a whole large pizza and watched some Jeremy Kyle. I was then informed of the plan for the evening which quickly came into play. A group of us went to the Yarn which we quickly swapped for the Met because of the smell. An epic night then unfolded, Rea got incredibly drunk, and none of us are quite sure how, Murray won a copious amount of money and I received some rather lovely praise from the drunken Rea, which made me feel a lot more comfortable about a matter that had been troubling me. We then walked home in the rain where I think I killed about fifty snails, sorry!

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