Monday 28 June 2010

Spearing Salad Man

I spent Saturday and Sunday in the company of Ian, it was wonderful. we did rather little, just lazed about in the heat and watched films. We watched the finale of Dr Who was really good! I really do like Matt Smith, he is definitely my favourite Dr.
I have my last exam tomorrow and I have done such little revision for it, I should really be more worried about it but I just don't want to work, it's too hot and now Becky has gone on holiday, so while I'm doing my exam tomorrow two of my greatest friends will be lazing on a beach, which rather sucks :(
So instead of revising I have been browsing the internet finding pretty things.

(Click on photos for sources)

I really love those boots, I have white Dr Martins but I hardly wear them, I should wear them more.
Right I'm going to revise now, maybe, I don't know, I will try......

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