Saturday 12 June 2010

Wanting a companion

The past few days have been incredibly boring, I have literally done nothing. As I did a huge amount of revision on Wednesday and Thursday my brain is now in the mood of not wanting to do anymore which is rather annoying as my exams on Tuesday.

Due to lack of doing anything I have been thinking way to much about things that I shouldn't because I just know they are going to get me down. I always do this and it's so annoying because I can't seem to stop myself. I want to ask questions that I don't want to know the answers to. I feel like I'm pushing someone I care so much about away. I don't mean to, but things I've heard are painting such a negative image of them and I don't know whether to believe it or just to accept it's true and get over the past and realise they are different. Which is probably the best thing to do because lets face it I'm no angel either.

This year things are so different, I used to just sit in my comfort zone and let life pass by quite care free and not really worry about the consequences of my actions. But the things I do now are actually going to make a difference. I'm meeting so many new people and doing different things and I'm not quite sure how to act. I know I should just be myself, but in a way I've kind of forgotten how to meet new people. It sounds so silly. I'm fine getting on with people I have been introduced to, but when I actually have to be outgoing and start up a conversation I just freeze.

My minuscule worries aside, I'm not an Ebay virgin anymore :)
Won a beautiful vintage dress for like £5 and a costume amber necklace for £2. There is also some gorgeous boots and a few more dresses that I've bid on so fingers crossed I get them.

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