Tuesday 22 June 2010

Farewell my lover

Monday I had my Geography exam, it wasn't too bad but could have gone better. After a long and hot two and half hours in a hall I went home where Hannah and Jess soon met me. We had a wee chat about our days and then departed to the Met. Here we were joined by Becky, Rhys and Danielle where we drank and laughed over stupid things. The wonderful Jess has now sadly departed to the land of Egypt for two weeks. I went to Egypt a little while ago

My cheesy tourist photo

See :)
That was a rather awesome holiday.
But I'm really going to miss Jess and our lovely chats over tea. However when she returns we will have lots to catch up on. I can't wait!

I have my final exam on Tuesday, it's another Geography one. Not too sure what it's on though which isn't a good sign, so I'm going to try and see my teacher or something and figure out what to do so I'm not completely clueless.

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