Sunday 6 June 2010

An amazing evening

All on Google images

I'm in love! Shes so gorgeous. I have always loved red headed girls, but she is just amazingly beautiful! And shes in Dr Who, I mean how could she get any better! Matt Smith is also amazing, he isn't 'fit' he is handsome, with his little bow tie and tweed suit, I love that look on a man. After David Tennant I thought it would be very hard to be a better Dr, but I think Matt Smith has managed to do it, he's very funny but also brings out the darker side of the Dr which is good :)

Dr Who yesterday was brilliant, it was viewed in the company of Ian, after we promptly ordered chinese (which we just finished off for breakfast). When it arrived we watched Alice in Wonderland on blu-ray. I'm still not completely sure if I like it. We then continued with our evening by doing very little, Stargate was watched and yum yums were eaten, that was pretty much it and it was amazing.

I have really missed spending time with Ian, have felt for a while that we were drifting apart and that I didn't know enough about him, but yesterday was so lovely and it was great to just spend time together. Hopefully over summer we will have a lot more days like this :)

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