Monday 14 June 2010

Birthday celebrations

Yesterday was Becky's 18th birthday. We had previously decided that we would go to the Met and then off to Heathrow Bowl. However once we got to the Met and had a few drinks we decided to stay in Uxbridge and go on a pub crawl. We went to the Yarn, Fig Tree and Treaty. It was an epic night in every aspect. We met some pretty amazing people on our travels and got amazingly drunk. I very rarely throw up but on this occasion I did and it was horrible, I plan on not making it a regular thing.
Jess, Hannah and I made Becky a penis cake :)

It was rather yummy if I do say so myself.
Today, once I had managed to pull my head out of the toilet, I made my way to Ian's. We watched Dr Who, because I thought I would wait and watch it with him as he was away. We then watched a korean film called 'I'm a cyborg but that's ok'. Haven't seen many korean films but this has definitely made me want to watch more. It was extremely weird, but all of the colours and sets were just beautiful.
Ian then forced me to go home and revise as I have my English lit exam tomorrow. However once I got home I Facebooked and then watched Shrek. I have just looked over my books now but I'm going into school tomorrow to do some last minute revision. If it hasn't gone in by now then it's never going to.

I would also like to take the time to mention my marvelous friend Jacob Batley whom has lovely hair :)

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