Saturday 26 June 2010

Blame it on the boogie

Yesterday was a good day, met up with my friend Ashley to do some Geography revision. We popped into school where my teacher gave us some tips on the exam and a cup cake, I like my teacher :)
We then went to the shop where we picked up crisps and sweetie things. We sat in a field for a good few hours looking over our exam booklet and notes however as time drew on we got very distracted by everything and anything and some little kids decided to have a sports day right by us so we gave up and went our separate ways.
I then popped into Uxbridge where I had to get my favourite boots re-heeled because I had worn them down and pay in some money into the bank. I was accompanied by Ian. We was meant to spend the evening together but unfortunately his silly brain decided to have a tantrum and gave him a migraine. So instead I met up with Hannah, Becky, Jade and Danielle and got very drunk at the Yarn and then went to Liquid.
It was my first time at Liquid Uxbridge. I've been to a few clubs but never really enjoyed it, it's always way too hot and sweaty, you get idiots trying to grope your arse and well personally it's just not my cup of tea.
Last night was better than other times I've been clubbing though (mainly due to the £2 entrance fee) but I still would have preferred to stay at the pub. It was a Michael Jackson tribute night and there was some good songs played so I got to bust out my moves. I was drunker than I thought, I can't quite piece together the whole night. I should really give my liver a rest and my purse!

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