Wednesday 23 June 2010

A little pain in my brain

My head hurt this morning when I woke up, it hurt a lot. To the point where I almost couldn't open my eyes because the light hurt. I stumbled downstairs and dosed up on pain killers and had some marmite on toast :)
I didn't feel up to doing any revision today, my eyes couldn't really focus and my brain hurt. So I watched the Thomas Crown affair instead and then went to Ian's.
We watched the football. I dislike football. However I did get quite into it, not to the point of screaming at the screen but it wasn't as painful to watch as I thought. I wont be making a habit of watching it though.
That was pretty much my day really.
It is so hot and sticky in my room and my cat just insists on lying me!

(Click on photo for source)

Sometimes I really wish I could drive so I could just go to a random place for an afternoon. I went for a drive last year with my friend and we ended up in some giant corn field and it was so summery and pretty and we just lazed about and ate an ice-cream. I really wish I knew where it was because I would love to go again, but saw these photos and they reminded me of that day as they are in a field :)

(Photos by Wildfox)

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