Monday 31 January 2011

Wonderful weekend

Friday was wonderful because Ian returned to Uxbridge. I got up with a spring in my step and headed to his to do some cleaning for a few hours. By the time I finished Ian arrived and we had a huge hug and a cup of tea :)
In the evening we went to mine for some dinner and caught up on the latest episodes of Fringe and Castle. I also horrified Ian by watching Embarrassing bodies, I think that has scared him for life.
In the morning I made a wonderful sausage sandwich for us both and then we headed back to his. After watching endless episodes of Dr Who we ordered pizza and lit some candles. Candle lit take-away pizza, we are so classy :) We scoffed that down while watching Where the wild things are, which neither of us understood but it was still quite a cute film. We then made some angel delight and watched The proposal.

The next day we watched more Dr Who and drank lots of tea until it was time for me to go home. We both had work we should of been doing and Ian had to depart :(
Today I cut up some cubes using a band saw and wrote half of my art essay!
I've been getting so stressy about stuff recently and when I get stressy and worried I get dry skin on my face so it looks horrible at the moment, I'm peeling :(
But seeing Ian and getting on with some work has made me feel a lot calmer so hopefully it will clear up and all will be good again :)

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