Sunday 23 January 2011

Blooming buses

Well Friday evenings plan of a few drinks didn't go exactly to plan. I drank way too much! Ended up at the Load pretty much passing out and swigging wine out the bottle, was not pretty. When I eventually got home I threw up and then proceeded to pass out.

After throwing up again in the morning and drinking lots of water my aunt, uncle and cousin came over for a belated christmas lunch. Reminisced with Morgan and played on the xbox for a bit. Lunch was nice but I was still feeling really hungover so I didn't eat a lot :(
After watching Mulan with Morgan I got ready to go out.
Hannah got a cab and picked me up then we made our way to Uxbridge to meet the others. We had a few drinks at the Met before catching the bus for the long journey to Kingston. It was the longest journey ever but was made more enjoyable by a bottle of wine and Rob moaning about needing to pee.
Oceana was awesome! I have never been there before and I'm usually not that keen on clubbing but there were so many rooms with different types of music that it was pretty cool.

Hannah and I decided to leave earlier than the others as I was sobering up and didn't want to pay the extortionate prices for drinks, and Han had work the next day. We had no idea where we going but finally found the right bus to get on. After many long waits at bus stops and a long walk we eventually got home.
Some old family friends, Bob and Heather have come over today for a catch up and some dinner. We got some indoor fireworks, which were......thrilling :P
Have uni again tomorrow, not looking forward to the early start, so better get to bed and have some rest :)

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