Thursday 13 January 2011

Back again

Monday I unfortunately went back to uni. It was a dull day, got a new project, didn't really talk to anyone and felt rather alone. I had a look round town, brought an old clock and went home. Once home I took apart the clock as I'm making jewellery from the gears.
Tuesday was again spent at uni. It was such a pointless day and I hardly did anything. When I arrived back in Uxbridge I met Ian and we went to mine. I got my stuff together and we made our way to Pangs. We stuffed our faces full of wonderful chinese buffet and left feeling totally stuffed. It was really nice to go out and have a nice meal with Ian.
I had Wednesday off uni so I got a nice lie in. I left Ian's and made my way to the Load where I did some cleaning for a few hours.
In the evening I went to the Met with some friends. I had planned on going home fairly early as I had uni the next day however this plan failed, majorly. Drinking games were played, a trip to the Treaty for karaoke occurred and then of course the huge drunken bust up with the boyfriend :/
Ended up getting home at 4am after wondering the streets for ages in the rain, crying and stealing Murray's kebab.
I did set my alarm but felt pretty dead so went back to sleep. I did a bit of work during the day and watched some telly, not very productive but I still feel really crappy about everything :(

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