Friday 21 January 2011


I very much enjoyed my lie in on Wednesday but had to get ready quickly to go to the Load to do some cleaning. I stayed there for a bit after with Dain and Kendall and we discussed our love for Ellie Goulding and Ryan Renalds and listened to a bit of dubstep. When I got home I made a nice cup of tea and watched telly for the rest of the evening.
Yesterday I had uni and actually stayed there for the majority of the day, I was rather pleased with myself. I got a KFC with Alex for lunch and sat in the red shed with him and Dan for the rest of the day doing odd pieces of work and discussing things that annoy us. I also stupidly cut my finger on a knife :(
In the evening I ate some chinese food, watched Leon and drank rose, it was a good night.
Today has also been a day off. My grandad has come to stay with us for a few days as we didn't see him over christmas, so I did the good grandaughter thing and listened to him talk about old man stuff and I updated him on my life, then I left to meet with Louis, Han and Jess. We went to the Good Yarn and took advantage of their free wifi and searched for good hotels in Magaluf. After about 3 hours of reading crappy reviews we eventually found a nice looking and good priced hotel, right on the beach so we booked it. Can't wait til June now, it's going to be so good!
My dress that ordered in December eventually arrived today which I was very happy about as I now have something to wear for tomorrow night when I go out :)

Going back to the pub later tonight for a few drinks but until then I shall drink tea and talk to the family, how thrilling :)

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