Saturday 15 January 2011

Catch up

I went to Ian's yesterday, not to see him but to clean his house. When returning home it started raining. Not a light sprinkle, it hammered down and I got soaked. I did bring an umbrealla but it failed at doing it's job. Once I got in, looking like a drowned rat, I got changed and spoke to some old family friends that had come over for a while. In the evening I met up with Jess and Han for a quick drink at the Met. Jess has been really ill with the swine so it was nice to see her again and we had loads to catch up on.
I love that I can tell them everything and anything and they don't really judge me, it's nice to get things off my chest.
When I got home I was really peckish and found 5 multi-packs of quavers, so quickly made my way through a few, which made me really tired so I went to bed :)

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