Saturday 8 January 2011


For lunch on Thursday I went into town, did a bit of shopping, put some money in the bank and then met up with Ian. We went to Pizza Hut for the buffet which was rather lovely and we talked to Sam for a bit while he waited on us. When I got home I made some marzipan and white chocolate sweets. My hair dresser then came over and cut my hair, nothing drastic, just shaped it a bit. I then dyed it as my roots were looking pretty bad so it just looks a more natural blonde all over :)

In the evening Ian came to mine and we scoffed some of the chocolates and caught up on Castle and Misfits :)
My mom and I packed up all of the christmas decorations yesterday. It was quite sad to see them all gone, the house looks quite bare now. I helped around the house and watched telly with my mom during the day. In the evening I went to the Met with everyone as it was the last time it would be possible for people to get together before they departed back to uni. Unfortunately Jess and Jade couldn't make it as they are ill but it was good to see everyone else. I got quite tipsy and by the time I left and got to Ian's I felt really drunk. He provided me with tea and marmite on toast so I felt a bit clearer in the head after that. We watched a few episodes of Misfits before going to bed.
Today I woke up feeling a bit ill. Not hungover, just a bit faint and sick but luckily it passed. We watched a lot of telly and drank a lot of tea. We helped his parents get things out of the loft and Ian turned back into a child as he re-discovered many of his childhood toys :)
When I got home I worked out on the Wii fit for a bit as the christmas holidays have taken it's toll and I've put on a bit of weight :P

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