Wednesday 5 January 2011

On the up

Ok so Monday was utter shit. Had been squabbling with Ian all day over, I can't even remember, things got blown out of proportion and I literally thought that was it. Danny randomly came by in the evening looking equally sad. He informed me that he had broken up with his bf. So trying to be the good friend that I feel I am, I invited him in and offered him tea, cookies and a good chat. I think it helped him but unfortunately discussing brake ups for about 2 hours did not help my situation at all and when he left I burst into a never ending crying fit.
I couldn't stay in the house and Ian refused on seeing me so I called Jess, who wonderfully invited me to hers for the night. She offered me tea, biscuits and nicotine and nodded and said all the right things at all the right times.
Feeling a little better in the morning, I got up and watched Jerry Springer. In the afternoon we made our way back to mine where Hannah soon joined us. We then had a huge girly chat and drank copious amounts of tea. Adam later accompanied us as we hadn't seen him in ages and he joined us in our chats. After many tears, hugs and some home truths I decided I had had enough of just texting Ian and literally had to talk to him.
After a good few hours and an awkward dinner we finally sorted things out. I guess only time will tell if things are really on the up but I really hope they are, just don't know if I can be that unsuspecting and trustful.

Today, which I completely forgot was Wednesday, started by rushing out of bed so that I was ready to get to work on time. I succeeded. Spent a few hours there cleaning and watching telly :)
In the evening Danny came over again, this time on a lighter note. We had dinner and played on the Wii, which he thrashed me at. We watched some films and ate our body weight in pistachio nuts.

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