Sunday 16 January 2011

Pizza and a Cat in a hat

I did quite a bit of work yesterday. I drew up loads of ideas for my new project and made a few pieces of jewellery for my old project which turned out rather well. In the evening Jess and Hannah came over and we ordered 30 quids worth of pizza which was yummy! Hannah also brought popcorn and some booze. We watched Cat in the hat and 40 year old virgin. They headed home fairly early so I went to bed.
I have done a little more work today but I wasn't feeling as motivated so gave up and watched Primeval. This afternoon my parents and I went to an old family friends house for a surprise 50th birthday party. There was free booze and food so it was rather good. Got to catch up with my cousin which was nice as I haven't seen her in ages and had a chat with some other people I haven't seen since I was a wee sprog.
Have uni again tomorrow and I'm really not wanting to go, just want to laze in bed and never get out again :(

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