Sunday 2 January 2011

New Years

Friday night was celebrated down the Load of Hay with a big group of friends, it was a good turn out considering it was only at the Load. I didn't drink as much as hoped, I was pleasantly drunk but considering there was an open bar I don't think I used it to it's full advantage. Nevertheless a great night was had by all.

I awoke in the morning feeling completely fine, however not the same can be said for Ian, who was chundering in the toilet. I let him sleep in till lunch while I watched telly. When he finally got up we had some lunch and continued watching films and lazing on the sofa. In the evening Lawson and Lee came over. Ian and I ordered pizza and the guys played Halo for the whole night. At about 2 I decided to go to bed as I was knackered but they continued playing.
Today Ian and I awoke at half 1 in the afternoon!! We watched the new episode of Fringe and Buried, which was incredible! When I got home I had some dinner and have spent the rest of the evening on my laptop :)

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