Friday 31 December 2010

Welcome 2011

Where do I start?! So much has changed and happened this year. I feel like I have grown up so much and become a lot more aware of where I hope my life will take me. I am now at uni which seems so surreal, I completed all of my Alevels with... ok results, I'm now 18 and I have developed and kept relationships with people I hope to keep in my life for a long time.

  • Drinking buddy of the year? - Has to be Dain. I have spent quite a bit of the year down the Load with various people and I always ended up on drinking a lot more than intended thanks to Dain.

  • Newest friend? - Jason. Although we have been acquaintances for a few years I feel that he has truly become a good friend now due to many drunken nights out and Vfestival chats.

  • Best night out? - This is so difficult! There have been so many this year, since I turned 18 I have been down a pub pretty much every single weekend and even weekdays. Maybe Becky's 18th as that was a brilliant. I always enjoy a night down the Treaty, especially at rock night so it would probably be a night spent there.

  • High point of the year? - Definitely seeing the Prodigy front row at Vfestival. One of my favourite bands and they were immense live :) Also would have to say celebrating a year being with Ian. Although I was ill on the day we still had an amazing time. He has been a huge part of my life this year and I'm so grateful for everything he has done for me. He has encouraged me to do the things I love and to be myself.

  • Low point of the year? - Not getting an A in Art Alevel. Felt so shit when I didn't get that grade but I still got onto the course I wanted so not all is bad.

  • Best holiday? - Egypt. 10 days seeing beautiful things that have always interested me. Travelling on a boat down the Nile. Going to places I could never of imagined and being able to tell people I threw up in the most famous temple in Egypt :)

  • Any regrets? - I could have tried harder during my exams and done more revision but I did ok so I don't regret that too much. I do wish I had tried to connect more with people at uni. Now that we have been there a while, people are developing close relationship whereas I still feel pretty distant from most people.

  • Most loyal friend? - Jess and Hannah. I can't choose between them. They have both been there for me in times where I really needed someone. They will always listen to me ramble on about anything and everything and they always give me good advice. I love them so much and I hope we stay friends for a long, long time :)
  • Biggest change of the year? - SO much has changed this year! I can now legally drink, I have finally left Uxbridge High school and I really feel I have matured a lot.

  • What are your plans for next year? - Hopefully get onto the silversmithing, glassblowing and ceramics jewellery course at Bucks. Move out and get a flat in High Wycombe (fingers crossed with han). Get my tattoo and save up enough money to go on holiday.


  1. I LOVE this! I love you too! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Same, much love my dear :D (fingers crossed we get a flat!)
