Wednesday 29 December 2010

Christmas x2

Monday evening was rather lovely. Jess and Han come over and we stuffed ourselves with pizza, drank lots of malibu, watched some movies and had wonderful slightly drunken chats :)

Tuesday I got up and helped my parents around the house for a bit. I then had a mega shopping spree online and brought some gorgeous new things, can't wait until they arrive!
I then went to Ian's for like a second christmas. We watched Wall-e with his family and opened some presents. His parents got me a huge box of lovely soapy smellies and a La senza voucher :)
The dinner was so scrumptious! We had a fish pie for starter, then duck in like a cherry and port sauce and toffee cake for desert, yummmy! We then spent the rest of the evening playing on the Wii which was great fun :)

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