Friday 24 December 2010

Bah, humbug!

Really not in the mood for christmas right now. I was but now my christmas has been "cancelled" :( Both my parents are ill so they don't want to infect the rest of my family and my grandad doesn't want to drive from Kent because of the snow, so we aren't having a big family get together like we usually do which is sad, instead it will be me and my sick parents watching endless films and eating, I will probably get drunk and end up falling asleep.

Tuesday evening was great fun, got mega drunk at the Met and ended up having the greatest walk home ever. Murray, Lawson, Ian and I decided to have a huge snow ball fight and play about in a play park, woke up in the morning with lots of bruises and an aching body though.
Wednesday I cleaned at the Load for a few hours. In the evening I met up with some friends and went to Pizza express which was mega yummy. When we finished we went to the Met and Yarn for a few drinks. Jess, Han and I all swapped presents, Jess got me a russian doll ornament and note pad and Hannah got me some elephant earrings, I do love them two :)
After the pub I went to Ian's, Rea and Lee where there playing xbox so I watched and made some tea.
Thursday I did the cleaning at Ian's. After we spent the afternoon watching season 1 of Misfits. I then went home and got ready to go to the Met yet again. I had an ok time there, had a fair bit to drink which is when things got bad. Ian and I had a massive argument, felt so shit, just wanted to curl into a ball. Shouting at each other in the middle of the street was not how I wanted the evening to end, I felt like I was on an episode of Jeremy Kyle. I hate alcohol when it makes your emotions run high and get aggressive. We eventually went back to Ian's, his mom looked after me for a bit and reassured me on some stuff. Just don't feel like I can talk to anyone really as no one knows the whole story so wouldn't understand :(
When we woke up in the morning Ian just said to forget about it all, which didn't really make it better as nothing was resolved but I don't want to keep arguing, especially on christmas eve so I just brushed it under the carpet. We spent the rest of the day watching films, drinking tea and Ian made me pasta for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Your not alone, because i love you and am always here for you. if it's hugs you need i'm there, if it's someone to talk about tampons with i'm there, if it's sex you need...well i would certainly try to be there. Cheer up sponge cake, have a very Merry Christmas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
