Friday 17 December 2010

Feeling crappy

This morning I woke up in a mega rush. Jess had already texted me an hour prior but I had fallen back to sleep, so I awoke to a call that informed me she was about a minuet away. I sprang into action and was still putting on clothes when she arrived, luckily she didn't mind, she's seen it all before anyway :)
We then spent a few hours eating some wonderful cookies she had made and brought over, drinking tea and watching the snow fall.

After she left I completed my UCAS and sent it off. I feel so much happier now it's all done with, just have to wait for the responses. I will have to go for interviews though and show my portfolio which is a bit annoying and I get so nervous over things like that :(
In the evening I made my way to the Met, didn't really feel up to going as I still feel so crappy but Louis was back from uni and I wanted to see him.
It was good to see people but the evening wasn't very spectacular so we left really early and had a fun encounter with a man so intoxicated he thought the bus we were on was a cab and insisted the driver was stupid and didn't the right way :)

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