Tuesday 21 December 2010

Let it snow

Saturday I got up nice and early and got ready to go to Ian' s to do the cleaning. It had snowed heavily the night before and the land of Uxbridge was a winter wonderland. I took my camera on the walk and got some lovely photos.

I understand why people don't like the snow, it disrupts travel plans and is hard to get about, but everything becomes so peaceful and pretty, I love it!

Once I got to Ian's I was soaked and my runny nose wasn't very pleasant so Sue said I could do the cleaning another day which was very nice of her :)
So instead Ian and I played out in the snow and made snow men, they were awesome!

We spent the evening eating aromatic duck and Ben & Jerry's ice cream :)
Sunday we lazed about and watched Going the distance which was pretty good, I do love Justin Long and Drew Barrymore. We then returned to mine to scoff a wonderful roast dinner. When we finished we got ready and made our way to the Load where we were met by Dain and Rea, haven't seen him in ages so it was good to catch up. It was a really good night with many funny conversations and some good company.
I had a very long lie in the next day, when I eventually got up I made my way into town to finish my christmas shopping. It took a while but I got everything. I bumped into Ricky so we got some food and had a little catch up which was nice.
When I got home I made some dinner for my mom and I and (without giving too much away) started making Jess and Han's presents. Ian came over in the evening and we snuggled up in bed and watched The Holiday :)
After Ian departed this morning I finished making the presents and watched some television. I'm going to the Met in bit which I'm looking forward to. Can't believe it's 4 days til christmas!!

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