Thursday 30 December 2010

If looks could kill

Yesterday I cant really recall what I did in the day :/ In the evening I met up with a few friends and went to the Met. Later we moved onto to the Good Yarn as there were seats and one of my amazing friends Ashley, who I haven't seen since he went to uni. Was brilliant to catch up with him. My friends discussed what they were going to to for new years as unfortunately I'm not spending it with them this year as I'm going to the load with Ian and various other epic people. I left fairly early and went home to sit on my laptop until my eyes felt like they were melting.
Today I literally did nothing during the day, I sat in my dressing gown watching endless episodes of Black Books.

I had crispy duck for dinner which was rather lovely. Faye then texted me in the evening and offered me company over a few pints which I eagerly accepted as I was getting incredibly bored. We headed to the Met and met up with Ian and some of his fellow acquaintances, Ben was also there who I haven't seen in a while, he was rather drunk but was good seeing him again.
I do love talking to Faye, shes so open and honest about everything and a great laugh. The evening was ok, muffled slightly by the presence of a certain someone I would rather not have seen and received wonderfully foul looks from, but fuck it, her loss, my gain.

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