Sunday 26 December 2010

Merry Christmas

So as most of you know, it was Christmas day Saturday. I had a nice long lie in but then the anticipation got the better of me and I jumped out of bed and woke my parents. We had bagels for breakfast which was rather nice and we watched telly for a bit. We then opened our presents. I got a large woolen jumper, t-shirt, socks, chocolate and mainly money. My dad then surprised my mom and I by bringing in a huge box. We tore it open and to our amazement it contained a wii fit! The majority of the day was then spent playing on it, drinking snowball cocktails and baileys and eating large quantities of roast dinner and mince pies.

Yesterday was boxing day so Ian came over which was lovely. We watched many christmas films, the Grinch, Muppet's christmas carol and Santa's slay :)
We had a nice dinner and watched Dr Who together. We spent the evening laying in bed watching telly and scoffing our christmas sweets.

When we eventually got out of bed today we made our way into a very busy Uxbridge town. I got a few things from the Topshop sale and we had a look round the shops. We then went our separate ways. Jess and Han are coming over tonight for pizza and movies which I am very much looking forward to :)
It was a quiet christmas this year, wish it could of been spent with family and friends but oh well.

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