Monday 6 December 2010

Double Treaty

Saturday was pretty darn good. I met up with Jess, Han, Jason and Jacob at the Met where we promptly started drinking. When others arrived we moved onto the Treaty where a lot more alcohol was consumed. W moshed a bit and many funny photos were taken. Unfortunately many people had to leave early for various reasons which was very upsetting and the night, for my self, died down a bit. I then had a very sober walk home in the cold with the very drunk James and Ian, stopping off at Metro pizza on the way for a burger, naturally.

Sunday was a very thrilling day consisting of me doing pretty much nothing. I sat in my dressing gown all day and watched telly.
Today has been shit. My bus this morning just didn't turn up so I had to sit at the freezing bus stop for over an hour listening to a very smelly man complain about the public transport. Then when I got uni I had no real idea of what we were doing and then when I found out I had no ideas :/
Now I'm home, as soon as I got in my dad started on me for no apparent reason other than he was in a bad mood so every things therefore my fault.

I'm also feeling pretty distant from people at uni too. I don't feel like I have made friends that will stay in contact after this year, which is really depressing because I thought I was getting on well with them initially. Everyone has clicks now but I don't feel I fit properly into any of them. I hate the feeling of worrying whether I will actually have someone to sit with at lunch, I feel like such a fricking loner. Hopefully I'm going out with some people this Thursday but I just feel that the only way I connect properly with people is if I'm out drinking with them.
I'm so happy to Jess and Hannah still around. They are the greatest friends friends I could have ever imagined and I love them so much, miss seeing them everyday like at school though, miss seeing everyone everyday!
Also really missing Ian, I know I only saw him the other day but he is so busy with uni I feel I can't talk to him properly, I don't want to lug him down with all my problems too. It's our year anniversary next month and I'm so happy we have lasted so long, I hope we can carry on this strong.
What with missing people and home life being so shit I feel I have no where I can really be happy, I just want to go away for a while, somewhere nice, like the coast or in a tiny cottage b&b but for the meantime I shall have to resort to the pub.

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