Wednesday 8 December 2010

Day Old Hate

Well Monday night I ended up at the pub as I just couldn't stay in any longer. It was a nice evening actually and I got to forget about stuff for a while which was good.
Yesterday I was back at uni which was a better day, still felt very distant but got my new project which I am rather excited about :)
I met up with Ricky at lunch for a Starbucks.

Haven't seen him a while so it was lovely to catch up. He then had to depart as he had lecture so I hopped on the bus and made my way home.
Later I went to the load and met up with Danny and his boyfriend John, who seems very nice but can't hold his alcohol :) We had some nice chats and huddled around the fire to keep warm.
Today I had off uni so I got a lovely lie in. Jess popped over at lunch, we ate some pizza and she listened to me babble on about my problems. I love how similar we are when it comes to our lives, relationships and emotions, it makes me feel less like I'm over reacting because she reassures me she would do the same, which is nice to know :)
Dain then asked me if I would like to do some cleaning at the pub as he knows that my dad is still on my back about getting a job so I quickly accepted his offer. I did a few hours of work and it was quite fun, well as fun as cleaning stale beer off tables can be.
I have been spending the evening listening to City and Colour on repeat, painting my nails and laying in bed with the cat on my lap :)

(Cutest kitten ever!! By Molly Hare)

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