Tuesday 14 December 2010

In sickness and in health

Friday evening I managed to man up and make my way to the pub. I met up with Danny, John, Dain and Sam and we had a few drinks and a catch up. I was still feeling really crappy so wasn't very lively. Ian arrived a little later so I finished my drink and we headed to mine. As it was past 12 we decided that it was ok to bestow each other with our anniversary presents. Ian got me an electronic photo frame which he had filled with all the photos of us from the past year ♥
When we awoke on Saturday I was feeling even more groggy than I had before :( We had a bacon sandwich and cup of tea and watched some episodes of Castle and Fringe. We decided that as I was feeling so crappy we would postpone our meal out for another night when I could fully appreciate it. So instead we went to Ian's, ordered pizza and watched Mrs Doubtfire. Ian let me sleep in the double bed on my own as I was all groggy and needed my space, so he tucked me in and let me pass out.
In the morning he woke me up and provided me with tea, I was still feeling so crappy so I spent the majority of the day in my pj's sat on his sofa watching documentaries with him. After a wonderful roast his mom had made I had enough strength to go back to mine and watch 2012. We watched this because it was the film we watched on our first date :)
The next morning I had set my alarm normal time to go to uni but I was still feeling so shit that I decided not to go in and went back to sleep instead. Later on Ian and I awoke again but he had to leave to get on with some work. I then spent the day resting and feeling like I was about to cough up a lung :(
Today I have taken another day off as I am still not feeling any better. I'm surrounded by a pile of tissues and Vicks inhalers shoved up my nose, not a pretty sight I can tell you.
Hopefully I will be better by tomorrow so I can do cleaning and then Thursday is my last day of uni before I brake up for christmas!
So although the weekend didn't go to plan it was still rather nice, I got to spend an amazing 4 days with Ian and he was so lovely looking after me :)

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