Thursday 9 December 2010

Hurry up weekend

Really looking forward to this weekend, mainly because it's 4 days I get to spend with Ian celebrating our year anniversary :) Can't believe how fast this year has gone!
Today was pretty good. Went into uni, did about 2 hours of work and then got incredibly bored. It was my friend, Alex's birthday today so him, a few friends and myself went to the noodle bar for lunch, it was really nice. I decided not to go back to uni as I could just do more work at home doing research.
Once I got home I did the complete opposite, I made tea and watched telly with my mom. I did look up some ideas and print them out but that's about it. Pretty naughty as I wont have time to do any work over the weekend :/
I also curled my hair as I haven't done it in a while but my hair went more afro than curly :)

Some good news, Dain has asked me to work every week at the Load doing cleaning, so hopefully that will keep my dad off my back for a bit, until he finds something else to complain about.

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