Thursday 3 February 2011


Tuesday I took the executive decision to take the day off uni. I had a nice lie in and spent the majority of the day finishing my essay. I then watched telly for the rest of the evening.
Wednesday I got up nice and early and went into school to pick up all of my Alevel certificates and art work. Was really nice to see all my old teachers again as well. After some lunch I went to the pub to do cleaning which was pretty good. Ended up staying a few hours extra as Abby and John had popped down and we all had a few drinks.
I had sent Ian my essay so he could go through it for me and he gave me some tips and changes, so I spent the evening altering it and then had a nice relaxing bath.
Today I handed in my essay at uni and did some work. I also had the most depressing and lonely lunch ever, so I brought a belgian bun and went home.
Jess and Han came over in the afternoon for many cups of tea and a good ol' laugh.

I have the fittest friends!
After they left I had some dinner and watched telly with my parents. Just finished making Jess's Incredible logo for her costume tomorrow, aren't I a good friend :)
Can't believe how bad the new series of Skins is, the actors are terrible and it has lost it's spark :/

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