Saturday 5 February 2011

A... Super night

Ian came over yesterday morning. We made our way to the fabric warehouse so I could get some white fabric to make mouse ears for my Danger Mouse costume. After spending the afternoon with Ian he headed home to watch the rugby. Jess and Hannah soon joined me for pre-drinks and to get ready before we went out to the pub. It was Faye's birthday and everyone dressed up as superheros. We started off at the Met, moved on to the Ostler, then the Yarn and ended up at the Treaty. Ian joined us at the Ostler and Jess, Han and I did a blowjob shot there which was incredible :)
It was a really good night and Faye was so drunk it was hilarious. Ian and I left about 2ish and we walked home, me in socks as my heels were killing me.

Today we watched Due Date and lazed in bed until he had to go as he was seeing A day to remember tonight, so jealous.
So I spent the evening packing and getting my stuff together as tomorrow I am going to Amsterdam! Have to be up at 5 which I am not looking forward to but I think it will be good. I'm a little nervous as I don't know how I'm going to get on with uni people and the girls I'm sharing a room with because I haven't spoken to them properly in a while, but I'm sure with a bit of Amsterdam influences I shall be more outgoing and chatty :)

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