Sunday 27 February 2011

Work and Play

Thursday I went into uni for the first time of the week. I did very little work. Went to the Noodle bar with some uni friends and went shopping in Primark with Emily. Got some nice dresses :)
When I returned home I did very little, watched Burke and Hare which is awesome.
Friday was spent cleaning Ian's house and doing uni work, getting things ready for my assessment which takes place next Thursday. Have so much to do!!! In the evening, parent folk, some family friends and myself went to the Swan and Bottle for dinner and a few drinks. Went back to their house after and played Wiii until half 1 in the morning! :)
Saturday I did yet more uni work and lazed about in my dressing gown trying to keep warm. In the evening I went to the Load for some pre-drinking before heading to a Brunel students house. They are part of the Star Trek club so I met them because of that, so cool :)
Was a really good night, what I remember. I got mistaken for a pillow because I fell asleep and didn't move for about 3 hours! Woke up at 4 and quickly stumbled home so my parents didn't go mad.
More uni work was completed today, am getting through it but still have tonnes to do.
Set up a Tumblr the other day, it's so addictive! Not a good thing when there is work to be completed.

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