Sunday 20 February 2011


I went shopping with my mom Friday during the day. We had a nice lunch out and brought Mario kart. In the evening Ian came over to stay.
My parents went away this weekend to stay with some friends which left me with a free house, so I decided to have a party for my birthday. Saturday morning Ian and I cleared the house so it was party appropriate and spent the majority of the afternoon playing Mario kart.
The party went ok, people got drunk and a good time was had by all. As with all my house parties I get stressy about things and never really get drunk so I was a bit annoyed by the end but people helped me clear up and keep me calm :)


Ian helped me finish cleaning up the house today before he had to leave to go back to Reading. He is coming back for my actual birthday on Tuesday but I already miss him like mad.
I have done some uni work this evening and watched some telly but nothing very interesting.
I like it when my parents go away and I have a free house but I hate it when I'm alone. It's really quiet and a bit scary, glad I have my cat here to keep me company :)

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