Wednesday 16 February 2011


Tuesday was spent sorting out my portfolio, I went into uni and my tutor helped me to put it in order and what to change so I went home and did that. It took pretty much all day to finally complete but it looked quite good when it was all done.
Today I had a nice lie in so I was all fresh and awake ready for my interview. I had to wait around until about 2 so watched some telly with my mom until it was time for her to drop me off. I got there about half an hour early, better to be late than never. I thought I would have to wait around for ages until my allotted time but they saw me straight away. I spoke really quickly and it felt like the interview only lasted 5 minuets but I think it was about 20. I wasn't told if I got a place there and then but that I would find out via UCAS within 2 weeks, so fingers crossed! He seemed very happy with my work and interested in what I wanted to do in the future so I think it went quite well.
When I got home I gave Jess and Han a call and they came over to mine for a much needed catch up. My mom cooked us a really nice dinner and we had tirimasu for pudding. We watched Hot Chick, drank tea and had an awesome catch up, I do love those girlies.

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