Wednesday 23 February 2011

Getting old

Monday I didn't do anything of interest during the day. In the evening I went to the pub and met up with Dain and a few other guys where we drank and counted down til it was my birthday. By that time came I was wasted, drank so much but was a good way to enter my 19th year on this earth.
The next morning I was feeling pretty rough, so lazed about in my dressing gown opening cards and playing Mario kart. My aunt came round to drop of my present and have a wee catch up. In the afternoon Ian came round and it was so good to see him again, especially on my birthday. Soon after Jess and Han arrived and we ordered pizza, which we scoffed while watching Chicken run. They also gave me my birthday presents which consisted of many willy orientated objects, an awesome mug, sweets and My neighbor Totoro DVD :)
We all went to the Met for a few drinks and were accompanied by a few others. We didn't stay out mega late but it was nice to see everyone.
Today Ian and I lazed about watching a T.V series called Drive which is really good. It was cancelled after the 6th episode so we are hoping it doesn't end on a cliffhanger but I think inevitably it will :(
Once again Ian had to depart which was sad. I tried to do some work but couldn't get into it so watched many things on iplayer and ate cream eggs.

My two favourite lads in the whole wide world! Both very fluffy :)

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