Thursday 17 February 2011

Clear out

I didn't go to uni today like I was supposed to, instead I lied in bed. I did however have a huge clearout of all my old art work that was taking up most of my house. I was very ruthless and got rid of loads, but have kept some of my best bits and my mom wants to put some of my pieces up on the wall which is nice :)
After clearing up everything I went into Uxbridge and helped Ian pick a new bag to buy. We wondered around a bit and then he walked me home.
I made a chicken pie for dinner, not to blow my own trumpet but it was pretty scrumptious, it is one meal I can cook pretty perfectly. After scoffing that and making my playlist for my party on Saturday I went to the Load for a bit and had a few drinks.
When I got home I had a little chat with my dad and it was really nice. Not about anything in particular, it was just nice, we were getting on, which we don't normally do. Ended up with him telling me he is really proud of me and he loves me, is nice to know :)

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