Friday 5 November 2010

Remember Remember

Well tonight is bomb fire night, I am not doing anything for this occasion tonight but shall be tomorrow and I am rather looking forward to it.
I had Wednesday off uni and so I had planned to go to London with Cat and a few other uni friends but alas, the stupid train strike stopped me from venturing out of Uxbridge. Instead Jess came round mine and helped me with some photos I needed to take for uni and we had a general nice catch up. In the evening we met up with Luke and Hannah. We headed to Pizza Express but soon realised that it was packed until about 9ish. As our tummies were growling for food we headed to Pizza hut instead. There we caught up with Sam who was working and he was a marvelous waiter for us :)
Thursday was spent at uni and little happened, I ended up coming home as I had nothing I could do there and needed to do research and print stuff off and I wanted to do it in the comfort of my own home. After doing some work I headed to the Load where I met up with Dain, Faye, Sam and a band called Blind Bandannas. We had quite a bit to drink and I don't think I have ever seen the pub so busy!
Today I was awoken by my mom who was in floods of tears. She has been really ill for about 2 years and has been diagnosed with labyrinthitis. It's making her really down, she has been to the hospital for scans so hopefully we should find out exactly whats wrong soon. But today she was feeling really shitty so got sent home from work, I hate seeing her in pain where I can't help, but I made her tea and she seemed a little happier. Shes feeling a lot better now after a nap thankfully.
I then headed to Ian's house to do cleaning, I always find it weird letting myself into his house especially now I have a key!!
Half way through cleaning Ian and his dad turned up. It's good to know Ian's close again and we are going out tonight for drinks so I had better get ready :)

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