Sunday 14 November 2010

Lack of sleep

Well the past few days have been pretty hectic to say the least.
Wednesday was my day off from uni so I decided I would take the photos needed for my fine art project. This involved having Jess over, buying cake and whipped cream and have her cover herself in it. I love how Jess now doesn't question what I ask her do for my art projects, the only thing she said is "Do I have to take my clothes off this time?" I do love her. The photos went well so hopefully they shall be ok for my project.

Thursday I was back at uni but I couldn't wait for the evening that was ahead of me. Cat, Katie, Catherine and I all went back to Catherine's house after uni, we ordered chinese and watched a few films before getting ready and heading out to the pub. I nearly passed out which isn't good, I have been doing this quite often recently and not sure why :/ But I was fine after a while. We then got a cab to Aylesbury and went to the white hart where we drank pitchers and other alcoholic beverages. Later we went to Stars and continued our drinking. About half 2 it closed but we didn't want to go home yet so we went to the only place that was open, a strip club! This was my first visit to a strip club and it was an experience. The girls were so disgusting but still got a lot of 'business'. We had a go on the poles and timed how long the guys took in the booths :)
We then all headed back to Catherine's where I passed out.

Katie and I had to be up mega early and I only ended up having 3 hours sleep so I was knackered. We got the buses back which took ages, it took me 4 buses to get back home! I then had about and hour to shower, get my bag packed and be back in Uxbridge to meet Jess, Han and Jason. We got the train to Victoria and then ran to catch our coach that was taking us to Portsmouth! Louis and Danielle met us at the bus stop and took us back to the dry and warmth of Louis' flat. The evening was then filled with a pub dinner with rock solid dumplings, drinking wine and margaritas, falling asleep while queuing to get into the club and ruining the chances for a guy to get laid :)
Saturday we had a wonderful fry up at the pub and my first cup of tea in 2 days! Louis then showed us around Portsmouth and we had a wander along the beach, ate ice-creams and took loads of tourist photos :)

After having pizza for dinner we headed back out to watch the local christmas lights get turned on, it was pretty lame but we made it fun by laughing at the giant camel toe one of the guys had, Han making up a chrismas rap and dancing to the terrible uni band. We then went back to Louis' and watched xfactor and played some drinking games. When we were all quite merry we visited the shittiest bar I have ever been to, it was filled with Jeremy Kyle guest wannabes :/ So we downed our drinks and headed somewhere else. We ended up at the same place where we had had breakfast. We drank some very strong drinks, got chatting to some guys dressed as if they were in Braveheart, one of which looked a bit like Mathesar from Galaxy Quest, stole a wig, climbed all over the statue lions and sampled some of the famous Kens chicken which I'm sure was about 10% real chicken!

Today we had to depart so got up early so we could catch our coach home. Once back in London we discovered that the trains were fucked so had to go a really long way round in order to get home but we eventually got there :)
It was such an amazing weekend with so many memorable quotes, catching up with people, drinking, hair flipping and pissing ourselves over the Keennan videos :)

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