Sunday 28 November 2010

Freezing few days in Reading

Well not much happened during the week. I just did loads of work for my assessment, which took place on Friday. I feel it went quite well, they weren't too negative about my work and suggested ways in which I could improve but overall I think they were quite pleased with the work I had produced :)
From uni I got the bus which took me straight to Reading. It cost £4.60 compared to the £9.70 the train costs, bargain!! I also found out the bus stops exactly at the end of Ian's road but I had already told him to meet me in town so we had a long walk back.
We then caught up on the latest episode of Fringe, ordered pizza and tried to keep warm.
Saturday we just didn't want to get out of bed as anything outside of the warmth of the duvet was too cold. Ian did some work and I played guitar hero for a bit.
In the evening we met up with Louisa at their student bar to watch the rugby on the big screen. After Wales got their arses handed to them by New Zealand we moved onto a Weatherspoons where we got some food and drank a few pints. When Ian and I got back to his we snuggled up in bed and spent the evening watching films and drinking tea.
This morning was also spent drinking tea and watching many films, a good use of our time I must say :)

Unfortunately I had to leave at about 5 to catch my train. Ian walked me back to the train station and I just about caught my train. When I got home I stuffed down some lovely and hot homemade butternut squash soup and had some mince pies and ice-cream for dessert.
It was a lovely weekend, as is every weekend I spend in the company of Ian, but it is nice to be back to a house that doesn't resemble the inside of a freezer.

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