Monday 1 November 2010

Hocus Pocus

I'm better now!! Still a bit swore throaty but tonnes better than I was :)
Ian came back Friday and I went round his after I had returned from uni. We ordered pizza and caught up on the latest episodes of Castle and Fringe which is always a major bonus of seeing him.
Saturday we lazed in bed for a long while and finally decided to drag ourselves out and head to mine for a steak dinner.
We then carved an awesome pumpkin! It had two sides as we both wanted a design, mine was obviously the cat side which I'm so proud of and Ian's was the Transformers, even though I carved both sides while he sat on the computer.

Sunday a few family friends came over and we had a Sunday roast/ dinner party. We had roast pork and yorkshire puds and a homemade apple pie for pudding, made from the apples in our garden :)

Ian unfortunately had to leave early as he had work to complete in Reading :(
I decided as it was halloween I wasn't going to stay in so dressed up a little and went to the Met with a few people. I got way too drunk considering I had to be be up at 7.20 the next morning for uni, but it was a good night nevertheless.
Today has just been spent at uni and then doing uni work at home. I started my fine arts project today and I'm really enjoying it already. I'm so tired now so I'm going to crawl into my bed :)

1 comment:

  1. Your Pumpkin is actually AMAZING!! I love the cat :D xxxxxxxxxxx
